Friday, May 30, 2014

Seeker's Anguish - Pathway To Realization

The Essence

By sheer courage an attempt is made by a novice to try to understand the essence of the Great Personalities to Bless the mother earth with their physical presence.With humble state and prayer full state, whatever the way this being understood the great states called prayer and humble, I am placing this self at the lotus feet of Him and am continuing efforts only to illuminate this novice beings state.

This country’s source of existence and continue to exists is with that spirit which took the form of God in this country, from timeless times.Everything and anything originates here from that same spirit and sustains from the same spirit and ends in that same spirit called God, Hence it became God’s own country.

Every nook and corner of this country and in all cross sections of society we can see the acceptance for the worship and the general populace accepting the divinity in all forms of physical existence.Every thing is from god, everything is of god, and everything is in god.

This is evident even to the naked eye-vibrantly visible.
For the intellectuals it’s a everlasting puzzle to see that this civilization continuity.

For the learned ones it is due to illiteracy of the general populace but they conveneiently overlooked the fact that how,who taught and gave this faith and conviction in the existence of god and how being an illiterate he able to have such firm faith and wisdom.

For the mystics this very land is sacred, this very water is sacred, this very air is sacred and the populace is gods and goddesses and to get a chance to take birth in this sancred land is a boon granted and to get liberation is possible only possible for the ones who gets birth on this sancred land.
How did this civilization sustained all the slaughtering of all types of invaders and absorbing all religions inits fold still maintaing its distinct entity.
That type of race which is highly mature in mind and mane and had developed sufficient insight,wisdom, and orientation to the matters of divine and ready for learning and open for correction and willingness to suffer rather seeking suffering and misery inorder to liberate one and all is only fit for or can be the place for the Yuga Purusha’s to descend from Above. As they come with specific purpose and The Essence to distribute and spread to all which is nothing but fine tuning of that times existing methods of practices and stabilizing the basic tenents of Society and fixing and strenthening the hierarchy of matters and men with proper cohesion.

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