Thursday, May 29, 2014

Seeker's Anguish - Pathway To Realization

A Preface to my self-meditation

Physical, Mental, Psychic, and Spiritual existence is accepted of Human race and maintenance of its well being is essential to exist and to remain, on this planet, so that the state of harmony and peace prevails on this planet for animate and inanimate objects of manifestation of Nature and for Nature itself.

Food, Fear, Sleep, and cohabitation are major Necessities or Characters of Human.
Food is need of the Physic, Fear is of the Mind, Sleep is requirement of Psychic, and Cohabitation is requirement of physical, Mental, Psychic, and Spiritual well being in which the act of procreation is inbuilt and embedded thoroughly in to Human System.

First primary three existences are self explanatory and known to all, whereas the Spiritual Existence and Well being is needed to be thought as it involves not only the four existences of expressed states but also of innumerable states in the form of Consciousness Forms and States, still possessing and having the same characters and needs of Human existence.

Spirit is generally classified into four forms of appearances. Plain Consciousness, Sub-Consciousness, Unconsciousness, Super consciousness.

Further grouping is possible in order to understand, to analyse, and analyse in order to understand. Plain Consciousness and Sub-Consciousness are two faces of the same coin forming as one group. Plain Consciousness is Gate-way of External Existence and Gate way to Internal Existence and works as an End Terminal of Receiving Information and Sending Information for initiating the process of Action and Reaction for all the states and stages of Existence of Human being. Sub-Consciousness is the Depth of Consciousness, who’s basic function is to relax the tired state of human of all his existence by connecting it to the Divine Impulse so as to refresh and relax the existence by allowing the natural state to prevail in that conscious. Un-consciousness is a middle state which is independent in nature and after the states of Plain Consciousness and Sub-Consciousness and before the Super consciousness, rather we may call it as primary state of Super consciousness. It is directly responsible for the functions of internal parts and its well being and continuity apart from Mental and Psychic well beings as well as of sub-conscious.

Super consciousness is the state which can be given as gift by an able and capable Master of Yogic Science of Superior Order, who, which type, very few times, this world becomes befitting to receive such a Personality and Method.
What is Super Consciousness? Where does it exist? Is there any practice prescribed to experience it and to acquire the same state? Why first of all we should think of that state of consciousness and seek to experience it? What way this is related to the mundane world on-goings?
Too many questions and too complicated ? Then, how ?

Super consciousness is the mother of all Consciousness and the source of Existence and Sustenance and functions of all, of past, present and future.
It is all pervasive and Only Shri.Babuji Maharaj prescribed that method of practice and possible to acquire it. The Physical Body can exist only on this mundane world and Super-consciousness is part of the Spirit. Seeking doesn’t grant us eligibility criteria rather deservingness is, then it is completely need dependent and deserving state, and of the Sweet Will of The Great Master to bestow it.

All the Mystic Experiences and Visions as well as the knowledge of different powers and energies which take place on this plane and its functions and conduct. The Basic and Foremost inbuilt capacity of this Consciousness is that it can be utilized to give permanent effect in moulding and cleansing the mind of the trainee and mould it to fit into the state to receive the Divine and its impulses. It is through and of this level intercommunion can take place and Shri.Babuji Maharaj said that Clairvoyant State of Highest Order can be experienced through this Consciousness only.

Innumerable are levels, states and stages of superconsciousness leading to the state and stage of Ultimate Consciousness which is the source from which every consciousness is born, sustained and continue to remain.

Consciousness is the back bone of human existence and it is one of its expressions of spirit and the subject is called spirituality.

Thought, Thought Potency, Thought Process and Thought Application, Mind and Its Nature; Mind and Its Character; Mind and Its States, Stages and Levels. Consciousness-its States, Stages and Levels. Spirit and Its Essence.

This Subject matter is the Subject Matter of Super Mind and Super Human, nay The Very Nature has to Manifest a Being, or by Creating such a state of atmosphere for That Super Human to come down to this Earth with That Ultimate Consciousness and with That Ultimate Mind and with That Ultimate Power of Thought rather That Very Ultimate has to take Human Form through the process of procreation in order to explain, clarify, direct, orient, harness, mould and to spread the Essence of above mentioned subject matters for the Human existence and its continuation. That He further has to equip Himself with a Suitable Method of Practice, Means, and Power to make it suitable to the Tiny Self called human being of present times.

All the above comprises of the subject matter of spirituality, a very special subject, demanding a specialized way of study and it becomes possible only by a specialist to study and to unravel the mysteries of the subject and He must be a Special Personality.

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