Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The Source of Spirit For The Mankind In The Recent Times 

After thorough roaming around the times of time immemorial we need to come back to our present times of our recent memory and also to see whether any Personality who did influence our fathers and forefathers and as well influencing us even today with His Great Thoughts and Teachings and Brought Happy Tidings of Renaissance of Spirit from His Advent and Become The Source of Spirit For The Mankind In The Recent Times and Acclaimed and Accepted as The Great Personality Of The World By The World Around The Globe. Oh! Who is That Personality and about Whom I am Thinking So Loudly, Then He Must Be The Swamy Vivekananda and Without Knowing His Times and His Life, His Ideals the journey of search for the proper comprehension of Renaissance Of Spirit Of Mankind, Civilization and Human race as well to come to proper conclusions of our effort to identify the problems and solutions may not be possible.

Noble Parentage is Essential for The Mother Nature To Manifest The Priceless Child of Her who is being getting manifested painstakingly By Her absorbing countless years of time apart from Deep, Intense Longing Waiting for the elements to get emerged  as  suitable earthly elements to take form of the physical body of the child, which become so in due course as to give as gift to The Mankind and That Gift was granted as Boon To The Womb of Revered Mother Bhuvaneswari Devi and Parent Revered Vishwanath Dutta, The Child as Narendranath Dutta  who is The Nature’s Prodigy to the mankind, born on 12-1-1863, being The First Male Child Of The Family.

Blessed Land Become The Earst While Bengal Province of British Raj having Trod upon by the Lotus Feet of The Lord Ramkrishna Paramahamsa and further Blessed that Land Became having been Chosen By The Lord to Live and continue to Live during His Lifetime in that province Till The Last Breath of Him.

 Narendranath Dutta :

After the Sudden Physical Veiling of Swami Vivekananda in the beginning of  20th  century The World had lost The Spirit and The Soul of Spirit and The Source of Spirit, The Great Spiritualist, who could embrace the whole mankind with One Great Statement, “My Dear Brothers and Sisters,” at the Parliament of World Congress of Religions at Chicago, U.S.A., in the year 1892,  A True Human.

During the Life of The Great Monk who always nurtured the thoughts of better world and better India and expressed the same in His thoughts, writings, and deeds but remained worried, Amidst the Chaotic State of Affairs of the world and in particular of the motherland’s state and status when the prevailing conditions of motherland become unbearable and untolerable for the heart of The Swamy - The Monk started  weeping silently and The Great Monk Heart Bled profusely for the upliftment of masses and for the total removal of oppression from the world and raised His Slogan Rise, Oh! Sleeping Man, Rise, Freedom is your birth right, Ye Are The Free Man, Born Free, Live Free and Die With Freedom, Shatter the shackles of Slavery, Rebel for Freedom, Rise, Arise Oh! Immortal, Realize That Immortality Awake and Arise from Stupor and bring back That Form of Enlightenment, Illuminate The world, Lead the world, show the path to the world, Oh! Great Human, Arise, Arise and Awake……….That Eternal Resounding, Reverberating, Ever Reminding and Remaining The Will Of The Swamy –The Monk Reverberated The Hearts And Minds of India and Stirred The World Conscious and Charged That Spirit and Conscious with The Rebellion And Oriented The Mankind Towards That Goal Of Complete Freedom, Freedom From Slavery, Freedom From  Imperialism, Colonialism, Riddance From Poverty, Riddance From Diseased Minds and Bodies of The Men of The World, and He Remained Forever In Spirit, to oversee the changes.

Thereafter the Physical Veiling of The Swamy – The Great Monk, The World had Witnessed The Great World Wars, The Great Revolutions, The Great Up Heave in the form of Freedom Struggles Around the Globe effecting every country in particular and the world at large and no mighty power of nations, Monarchs, Kings, Emperors, Queens, Dictators, could with stand the upsurge and could contain the force of surge or check the direction of surge which was oriented towards complete change of the circumstances and effecting the change of topography of the world map of countries and throwing away the old order of ruling to the new order of ruling, and with full resistance and fight for the equality and freedom and attempted to eliminate the subjugation of woman and weaker sections and wiped out the old order exploitation means of working class, artisans, and effecting the national assets ownership change and this change has painted the whole globe with Red-Communism, and how so ever the country may be away from the mainstream of world thought, that prevailed conditions of the world had become The Index Of World Map For Oppression, Exploitation, Subjugation and Subordination and Without any Hope and The Darkness with Perfect Grip.

The Sleeping Lion, The Maimed Lion, The Caged Lion, The Starved Lion, The Malnourished Lion, The Soul of The World, That is The Impression of India which The Swamy Nurtured and Realized and professed during His Life time and in all His Writings and Asserted to Awake The Spirit of India, for the good of the world That Spirit of India had to be Awakened.

 How to Awake The India and India can not be Awakened from stupor By Itself and That Great Spirit and The Son of Her Left the Mortal Frame and the situation was grim and gloom in India  and around the world and the world is filled with full of blood thirsty countries and wanted to establish their supremacy with their power of arms of mass destruction namely, Atomic, Biological, Chemical Weapons and wealth and with scientific prowess and wanted to occupy every country and to wipe out the human race whichever may resists their attempts by initiating wars which was uncalled for action though other countries were living in peace and not disturbing peace of the aggressor country and inflicting on small nations the untold misery by destroying all the economic machinery, infrastructure frame, harbours, ports, air fields, rail lines, bus terminals and bombing the civilian towns, cities, with mindless killings and ruining the orchids, orchards and anything and everything which came on their way only to establish the supremacy for that purpose to achieve those rogue nations wanted to destroy the very fine fabric of interwoven design of institution of family by naming some race as superior and some race as inferior and wanted and desired woman as pawn and lust satiating means and nothing beyond as there is nothing beyond than that purpose for which only she was born, groomed, and brought up and thereby that Very Woman Hood is under great stress and the Institution of Relationships among the mankind which was nourished and grown along with the civilization was about to get dissolved by these mean minds of lust satiating beasts and The Role of Woman as Mother, Sister, Daughter, and The Woman Hood itself and that institution of relations ships was about to get vanished in the air like vapour and also the further institution of marriage is about loose its sanctity and further the institution of religion also loosing its role and becoming stale and defunct and produced rituals which became mindless worship methods and resulted into the state of stale and mechanical after loosing the spirit behind the worship and further losing the norms and means to follow while living, these conditions which prevailed in the institution of religion was fertile ground for producing the dictators as this institution only shapes the man at the primary level by inculcating the basics of human life and the respect for human life and living and effecting a deep impression upon the social conscious of one ness of human and equality of human and allowing the human race to live and continue to live in conducive way and compatible way for one and all.

 What happens if India does not Awaken from the slumber under the prevailing circumstances and if doesn’t rejuvenate itself with the spirit and doesn’t soak the world with the spirit of Love, Devotion and orient the world for the higher ideals and towards higher spirit.

India as a Country never ever had undertaken a military march towards any peaceful country with an intention to establish its supremacy and to rule over that country and never ever occupied any country of the world rather there is no country to mention which was not perpetuated attempts to subdue and occupy this country.

No Country or Nation can understand better than this country about the Destruction and Trails of Destruction which the Violence and War can cause and what the effects it can leave for the men and civilization, because this country was targeted from time immemorial for plunder, looting, and exploited continuously by all and sundry rogue nations with their barbaric force and such crimes were committed which were no equal for comparison, on this soil and on this civilization and on the men and women of this country.

Suppose if I try to go to the mythological times of India and find there any such events were there which shaped my country and my civilization thereby effecting the world civilization and the mankind, I think we had plenty of such wars and we had passed through the most violent times which were marked for us as Mythology and if I don’t take all those mythological wars of those ancient times, it is alright but if I miss those two Great Civilized Times, The Ramayan and The Mahabharath Times,  which were almost the foundation of our present times and civilization and times and we can find those same morals and rules with which we, and the Whole Globe and The Countries of The Globe are practicing, say, Respect for Elders, Love for Young and Respect for the Institution of Family, for The Institution of Marriage, for The Institution of Feelings, and for The Institution of Religion and There by the Institution of Society covering The Nation and Nations.

 And for our share we had The Epic War of Lord Rama of Ayodhya with Danava Emperor Ravana Brahma, thereafter that Great War, The Entire Civilization of That Mighty Mind and Mane of Danava Race was wiped out and no traces of their knowledge, wisdom, scientific development, knowledge about arms an armaments, research because in that Epic The Depiction of Lanka Stated as Swarna Lanka means The Country With Golden Structures, perhaps till date we have no such place existing in the present world and also the Great Race of Vanaras and their prowess and their knowledge and every form of knowledge and everything of them we had lost.

The Second Price we paid for that Great Epic War was in the form of Polygamy, and the Entire Countries were wiped out of able body male members and that proof and effects we can find in the next form of civilization of Dwaparayuga, wherein the mention of woman rulers, woman chieftains, in the distant lands  of those times which indicate that those men of those lands in total were participated in that Epic War, and that mention is available in The Next Great Epic War Mahabharath, the mention of Prameela, Uloochi,Nagakanyka Land of captives of Guru Sandhipani’s son.

The Perception of the effect of the great war was visible in the utterances of Dharmanandan of Panduraj, when He was defeated in the cunning game of dice, cunningly by his cousin and He simply accepted the verdict of banishment to the forest for 12 years and one 1 year of banishment in the towns in guise, after visualizing and perceiving the war like situation and the effects of destruction and trails of destructions which follows after the war for the civilization and for the common man, if he doesn’t accepts that verdict, with the belief that the Time is a great healer and it will heal any thing and everything how so ever the depths of enmity or jealousy may be in the human hearts and minds, thereby avoided the war immediately and gave the peace for the common man for 13 years and deferred the war for 13 years.

And The Supreme Matured Act of Refrainment of Arjuna on the battle field having had all the powerful and most destructive Arms of Those Times, For That Matured Mind Who Had That Power of Understanding of Those Arms Power and The Effects of The Destruction Thereafter of the War, refrained to become the instrument to destroy the entire civilization and wipe out the effects of the Pinnacle of development of Civilization for the sake of getting the share of Empire and That Noble Act received The Boon In The Form Of Sacred Text The Bhagavad Gita for the Entire Mankind.

The effects  of cruelty, in human sufferings of the human beings and that perception by The Tender Hearts and Pure minds pave the path for mankind in the Form of Siddhartha as Buddha – The Enlightened One and Jesus The Christ. These Great Events are recent recorded evidence in the annals mankind.

And of The Recent Times of The Ashoka The Great the effects of after seeing the great kalinga war which he himself inflicted on The Kingdom of Kalinga, visible and recorded in the history that He himself became recluse and adopted the Buddhism and made his son and daughter as Sannyasis and made them as missionaries and sent to the farthest lands and spread the Buddhism in the entire north, eastern countries, central Asia to the western Asia and middle east side.

The results and effects were same and are same too of the war which resulted in total loss of Institution of Family, Institution of Marriage, Institution of Religion, Institution of Learning, and Civilization and result into Polygamy, Sex Slaves, Section of Society was made to born out of these chaotic time to satiate the carnal pleasure of Certain Section of Society in whose control the land assets and other assets of nation were placed.

After the Great World War – I and World War – II the history repeated and the results were same as the same as of the time immemorial, which was presented and visible to till date of those effects of destructions, The Loss of Institution of Family, The loss of Institution of Marriage, The loss of Institution of Religion and that resulted into rampant divorce rate and creating single mothers, single fathers, further resulting into untold oppression of children and woman, aged and dependants, and this led the situation for  emerging severe norms and punishment for child upbringing, and abuse and for the aged and elderly different norms of protection and safety, and they are thoroughly in practice of those laws and methods  in the entire Europe, Central Asia, Asia, North East Asia and the world at large, where ever the trails of destruction of the war and destruction taken place, such situation is visible. Every Country on the Globe participated in the war other than Switzerland

There was never ever a physical Threat to the Planet  Earth due to the contamination and also added by the actions of  the  general populace and it further added to the thorough contamination due to adopting unnatural, unwanted, unwarranted means while utilizing the natural resources, application of natural resources and also utilizing the inert and inherent energies of man by adopting such unbecoming and unholy means and ways for emerging or awakening those inert energies in the man and further enhancing the state of absorption and rejunevating themselves and further indulge in those unwarranated acts and without proper comprehension of natural principles as well the absence of comprehension of the Divine Decorum and Dignity and The Principles of Divinity towards Mankind and of Their Own Existence(Divinity) and without proper perspective of the nature and also of natural resources and this state of contamination never reached the state of thorough Contamination of  the present state in entirety, and was not taken place in the span of known times and the same amount of contamination and pollution also taken place of the inhabitants of this planet earth, and further the atmosphere and cosmos,  which never got contaminated to this extent and not taken place in the entirety of the human existence as well as in the total existence of the creation also, hence the alarming situation and almost threatening situation which is capable of bringing in the total dissolution of entire existence, due to the presence of all the problems and all the issues of all the times as well total contamination physically,  hence the task became Huge and tough to mend or correct or orient or reorient and almost became impossible and for all the span of existence and the solutions earlier prescribed by the great men of those times were mostly need based or issue based as it appears and as I could understand, and not totally covered the total problems and issues as well for the continuity of Human race with proper orientation.

That state namely absorption did played a vital role in the entire existence of human existence which is visible and the state is present all along in different degrees, in different planes and different levels and states and stages but correction and orientation and direction for the state of absorption is not much visible in the long journey of human and not dealt by one and all of those great men of all the times to till now. The Common man psyche was effected and developed and evolved man psyche also got affected differently and absorbed different intensity and thereby the movement of growth not became Vertical and in the perpendicular distance to the goal, as the goal of life was a matter of consideration till almost all the times of the past and to the present. At the most the frame of conduct and living had been specified to the man with the frames like, of Institution of the Family, Institution of Marriage, Institution of Religion, Institution of Education , Institution of Society and Institution of State, but the Institution of Individual Self, is not evolved and an individual self existence is the part of the total existence of the Society and State and it appears that the individual need of harnessing himself had not thought rather enough thought had not been given during those times to the present times. The Modern present times taken this aspiration in the matters pertaining to the education, way of life, habits, profession choice, choice of marriage, choice of dress code, choice of physical body orientated issues. The Charm of taking care of the physical body and its requirements in a glamourous way has become the goal of life and way of life and purpose of life thereby establishing individual requirement and satisfying the same overlooking beyond and above other individual requirement and beyond the need of institution of family, institution of religion, institution of education, as this institution of education is to satisfy the individual requirements than becoming part of fulfilling the need of other institutions and thereby the humankind.

The Present civilization is marching on the path of Search not finding yet the very private and personal need of the  individual which was present in latent state namely the urge, a state of imbalance and inconvenience which could not be properly conceived to his own self and interpreted, if interpreted it presents itself as yearning to be one with something, as it is not happening it is producing a state of insecurity and fear of their survival, by the present day mankind, as they thoroughly absorbed in that states of insecurity and fear. 

So it became imperative to evolve a suitable method of practice to regulate the state, and the state of absorption and thereby the growth in the right direction, congenial to harmonious ways of existence and resulting into moderation and brining in the balance state for the human and of his existence and for the entire existence.

To Make Emerge Such a Method and Practice is Possible only for The Ultimate and that is in the Hands of The Ultimate, and The Ultimate In The Human Form, The Ultimate In The Human Mind, The Ultimate In The Human Heart, The Ultimate to Live and Conduct as The Human and binding Himself With The Simple Principles of Humankind, and a method of practice to practice which The Ultimate Method of Practice, a Natural Method of practice, Suitable to practice to the present day man and for the future man, and The Ultimate for the Mankind is The Prana, and The Prana to be Infused Perennially and make it available whenever the need arises and That Ultimate Re Set The Ultimate Principle named as Eternal Principle or Masterly Principle, to do this A Second First Stir To Be Initiated due to the need of that magnitude of task and to get it accomplished.

From Which Everything is born and From Which Everything is Sustained and Of Which Everything Becomes, this Eternal Principle and The Source of Mankind, In This Essence of Compound of Energy a New Mixture to Be Added by which The New Civilization should emerge and becoming fit to receive the training for the God Realization, with that of mind and with that of heart and with that of mane and with that of spirit and with that of consciousness with that of Prana and with that of vitality, this vital element has been introduced in order to establish the future civilization on the foundation of spirituality and to built such spiritual edifice for the mankind become the work of The Ultimate in The Human Form, which The Mahatma did it and hence declared the eligible criteria to follow The Method of Practice, namely Sahaj Marg is, “ Willingness” on the part of a seeker.

For any form of Knowledge, for any form of learning of any stream of knowledge and for any form of training to undergo, for any form of study, for any form of physical participation there is a minimum eligible criteria apart from the willingness, But The Mahatma Set Aside That Minimum Eligible Criteria and made free and open for the entire mankind irrespective of creed and caste and sex or formal education, and only criteria is that he must be a human being.

When the presented state of affairs and the need for rejuvenations and for The Ultimate Own Designs, which known to The Ultimate Only, Blessed This Planet Earth In Human Form  and named as “Babu Ram Chandra” of Shahjahanpur., U.P. India.

The Mahatma Gave a Method of Practice and Named the method of Practice as Sahaj Marg, Natural Path, Simple and Easy to Practice because every human is practicing those same Yogic Principles based upon which The Mahatma Envisaged this Method of Practice based upon the method of practice namely Astanga yoga of Yogi Pathanjali.

Now, The Problem, The Solution, The Master, The Method, The Means are Presented by the Grace of Lord, We are Fortunate and Blessed, The Long and Never Ending Journey to Find Solution is Ended and Leaving a Vacuum to be Filled by the Mane of U and Me. What is that Vacuum? The Vacuum is The Mane, that is, The Mane, The Mind , The Heart to be turned  and to be trained and to be toned, to be raised to that level, where this Training become effective and effected and resulted as The Master Expected.

The Mission of The Mahatma is to remove the Oppression from the Oppressed, with the simple prayer which is the presentation of facts of his / her/ self state and status before The Divine so as make the divine to turn to the seekers state from That Ultimate State and to Assist Those sincere seekers on the path of God Realization/Self Realization with His Prana, The Prnasya Prana, The Transmission, The Eternal Prana, to realize within this very life or within a short span of time, That Goal of  seekers Life and His Availability to The Mankind Eternally in order to assists them and remained in their Service during the whole life time of physical time and thereafter of His Physical Veiling.

When Shri.Babuji Maharajah placed this System of Meditation to begin with the prayer to the Master, which is the 7th step as per the Pathanjali Yoga Sutra named as Astanga Yoga Sutra, Yama, means dos, Niyama means do and don’ts, Asana, means a convenient posture to do the assigned job, or physical withdrawal of extended limbs and effecting the contraction of physical body to do Meditation, Pranyama means a process of generating Prana by making the breath movement regulated or make it as a natural state of breathing the process of inhale and exhale of breath, Pratyahara, means withdrawal state of mind and body, Dharana means deeply accepted thought, Dhyana means repeated thinking and the process of repeated thinking and Samadhi means a thorough state of absorption, within with the Divine and filling that Divinity within the length and span of the space of the individual existence The State of Absorption is the secret of growth in the field of spirituality on the path of realization. Sufficient amount of Absorption is essential to develop the proper amount of ojus in the system of practitioner, which become essential to train further on the path, Towards Infinity.

When the sufficient amount of absorption is developed in the seeker with the absorption of Transmission in the said individual self then it becomes further easy for The Mahatma with The Utilization of Pranahuthi – Transmission – Pranasya Pranaha, The Eternal Pure Prana of Him, to train and elevate the seeker, the individual self, to the further higher levels of superconscious  after duly preparing him by strengthening the nervous system, heart, brain, mind and conscious and increasing the level of potency of the thought and set righting the thought process and needed changes effected in the spirit and the source of spirit and thereafter infusing the needed amount of Prana and increasing the Prajna and then resulting into the extent development of ojus in the system or  body of  the abhyasi  which process becomes essential to evolve the personality and to effect the Transformation, that process which is the core essential in Divinization of  the Self, which is The Promise Given By The Mahatma to The Mankind When He Unveiled This Method of Practice, Sahaj Marg, The Total Divinization of Individual Self, within This Human Life, or Within The Short Span of Time if Proper co-operation and co-ordination on the part of the seeker is assured and available.

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